Seraphim recently published our 2023 In-Space Economy Ecosystem Map, linked here. In this article, we will explore the In-Space Manufacturing and R&D segment.
In Space Manufacturing & R&D
Research and development has been ongoing aboard the ISS since its inception. Why? Simply put, things behave differently in space. The microgravity environment and near perfect vacuum, provide an ideal test bed for experimentation without convection, sedimentation, buoyancy, or gravity induced mechanical stresses. This is turn affects how materials form, how proteins crystallise, and how tissues grow. With effects like these, it’s easy to imagine how research in space may have enormous impacts on Earth.
Of all the in-space R&D sectors, pharma has by far the most start-up activity. Microgravity experiments are used in life sciences for protein crystallisation, drug development and drug discovery. Frontier medical techniques, like 3D bio printing and stem cell growth are also in the early stages of development. While this category is primarily made up of start-ups, it is important to recognise that most of the big pharma corporates are also actively engaged with R&D on the ISS (Merck, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Colgate, and Procter & Gamble are all users of the ISS). Pharma & Life Sciences is arguably the most mature sector of space R&D, with a long history on the ISS and demonstrable buy in from large corporate users. In any given year, between 50% and 75% of the ISS national lab projects are related to life sciences. We see this as a near term market of significant opportunity, particularly in the development and licensing of new drugs.
Turning to materials: the microgravity environment of space can be used to produce novel materials of higher quality than terrestrial equivalents. Manufacturing in space improves crystallization and creates materials with superior mechanical properties. It is claimed that semiconductors and optical fibres manufactured in space will be significantly more efficient due to their improved material structure.
To date only small amounts of materials have ever been produced in space, and we remain some years from commercial mass production. This is firstly due to the limited technical maturity of these processes. Secondly, the ISS today is not suitable for commercial manufacturing given high costs and limited launch availability. The business case for manufacturing materials in space may be quite challenging, and start-ups need to find methods to address this. A complementary segment of the in-space economy that may alleviate some of the issues relating to the ISS, are the new space infrastructure providers of space stations, Free Flyers and return. These may reduce the cost and increase the available capacity for manufacturing, ultimately catalysing this segment, and realising the benefits of space in the materials domain.
Large Structures
Manufacturing large orbital structures in space is a very nascent segment of the in-space economy. However, we believe that it will become essential for future space infrastructure, like space solar projects, next generation deep space telescopes and communication networks.
There are only 3 companies listed on our Ecosystem Map with visions to manufacture large orbital structures. Given that there are currently no space projects requiring the use of large structures manufactured in space, all start-ups in this segment are largely focused on R&D and other complementary business lines, until this need arises.
Overall, we are optimistic about the future of in-space manufacturing and R&D. We see that there are many complementary services developing across the in-space economy that will be highly enabling for these technologies. In time, all these categories will become vital pieces of the in-space economy, and we will follow these developments with keen interest.